· Beds, trolleys and other items have been found in stairwells and corridors, blocking emergency and day to day paths of travel.
Why is this a problem?
· Any item left in an emergency egress path has the potential to delay the safe evacuation of staff, patients and visitors in the event that an emergency incident requires a physical evacuation.
· During day to day operations, items left in corridors have the potential to cause injury to our staff.
What can I do about this?
· Beds, trolleys and other items must not be left in stairwells and corridors blocking emergency and day to day paths of travel.
· Concerns related to storage of beds and equipment or disposal of faulty items must be escalated or reported to your direct supervisor.
How do I get more information or report a concern?
· In the event that you observe a bed, trolley or other item blocking a path of travel anywhere onsite you should report this to the General Services team or directly to your supervisor.
What if I need more information?
For general enquiries regarding Monash Medical Centre or Monash Children’s Hospital please contact Site Management
· Telephone: 959 44727