Associate Professor Paul Cashin |
Monash Health surgeon Mr Paul Cashin has been recognised for his research and clinical activities, receiving a Monash University academic promotion last month.
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor Cashin, a senior Upper Gastrointestinal surgeon, is Service Director, General Surgery at Monash Health and Director Medical Services, Jessie McPherson Private Hospital.
An author of numerous clinical papers and book chapters in Upper GI surgery, Associate Professor Cashin’s research focuses on the surgical management of benign and malignant Upper GI disease.
“I oversee the Monash Upper GI and HPB Research Department and have ongoing clinical and laboratory-based research activities into pancreatic cancer, oesophago-gastric cancer and its genomics,” Associate Professor Cashin said.
As well as his clinical and research activities, Associate Professor Cashin lectures Years 3 and 5 Monash medical students, and led the redesign of surgical bedside teaching at Monash Health and its incorporation into the curriculum.
In 2012 Associate Professor Cashin received the Southern Clinical School Final Year Supervisor Award.
Associate Professor Cashin said he is both honoured and humbled on receiving his academic promotion.
“The appointment as an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor gives recognition to the research and teaching activities of the General Surgery (and its subspecialties) Service at Monash Health,” he said.
“The Department’s involvement in these activities has vastly increased over the last ten years and brought the academic activities and teaching in surgery to a position of prominence.”
Associate Professor Cashin acknowledges the various teams in General Surgery, in particular the Upper GI/HPB team.
“Most importantly I acknowledge Mr Dan Croagh FRACS, the Upper GI/HPB Head of Research whose commitment to research is exceptional and whose energy is amazing,” Associate Professor Cashin said.
I would also like to acknowledge, Professor Julian Smith and Mr Alan Saunder for their wise guidance, support and encouragement.”
“Finally I would like to acknowledge the support of Professor Eric Morand and for his commitment to both excellence in research and for his devotion to undergraduate and post graduate teaching.”
Associate Professor Cashin said the combination of clinical practice, administration, teaching and research is a difficult balance to achieve but immensely rewarding.
Beyond his teaching and research, Associate Professor Cashin holds a number of highly regarded leadership positions, including Chair, Monash Health Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee and the Comprehensive Care Committee. He is also Clinical Lead, ICS OG Cancer Optimal Care Pathway Design Committee and an elected Board Member, Australian and New Zealand Gastro-Oesophageal Surgery Association (ANZGOSA) (RACS).
He has been an invited speaker at a number of national and international scientific meetings.