A reminder that time is running out to initiate your NHMRC Project Grant applications in RGMS.
NHMRC Project Grants applications must be initiated and all minimum data must be completed in RGMS by 17.00 AEDT Wednesday 14th February 2018. Applications not initiated or not meeting minimum data after that time will not be eligible.
- Minimum Data - due 17.00 AEDT Wednesday 14 February 2018
Minimum data for the Project Grant scheme consists of the following:
- General: Administering Institution, Application Title, Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Research (yes/no), and Synopsis
- A-RC: Research Classification: all sections
- B-GRPN: Grant Review Panel Nomination: all sections including Clinical Trial and Cohort Study.
Applications that fail to satisfy this requirement will not be accepted. Applicants are also reminded to complete the recommended fields as outlined above with correct information. Using placeholder text such as “text”, “synopsis” or “xx” etc. is not acceptable as minimum data.
The MRO will start checking minimum data for all Project Grants initiated in RGMS later this week.
- Limits on Project Grant applications in 2018
The maximum number of applications any CI (CIA-CIJ) may submit in the 2018 Project Grant round for NHMRC funding is two. The maximum number of Project Grants a CI (CIA-CIJ) can hold is six.
For the purpose of determining eligibility for this round, the number of Project Grants an applicant holds is the number scheduled to continue from 1 January 2019. For example, if an applicant will hold five active Project Grants in 2019, only one Project Grant application may be submitted in 2018.
For the purpose of determining eligibility for this round, the number of Project Grants an applicant holds is the number scheduled to continue from 1 January 2019. For example, if an applicant will hold five active Project Grants in 2019, only one Project Grant application may be submitted in 2018.
If you are a Program Grant holder, different rules apply - please contact the MRO to confirm your eligibility to apply for a Project Grant.
- MRO Submission Process
The MRO submission process document is attached HERE for your information. The compliance & eligibility checking close date is Wednesday 14th February 2018. Requests for checks are made via Pure(please see attached HERE quick reference guide to Pure if required). We are already checking applications, so as soon as you have a near complete draft (including budget) in RGMS, please let us know via Pure.
Key dates:
Key dates:
Any questions?
If you have any questions about the NHMRC Project Grants, please contact the MHS Team.